
These are key individulas who spend their time and effort to make this a reality and are always on the lookout to feed or help the needy

  • Anyone can become a volunteer and may choose to serve regularly or occasionally
  • Champions who pick the food and distribute or guide the needy guests to locations
  • Whenever there a new food entered by a restaurant or host, volunteers in the nearest location are notified
  • Volunteer needs to pick the food and deliver within 90 minutes of the stated time
  • Volunteers also play a key role in adding new restaurants and hosts to Hungerles list
  • Volunteers get recognized with certificates based on the efforts


  • Guest ,the one who is in need of food and looks for an easy place to get food without compromising his/her dignity
  • We don’t judge the guest based on his/her appearance and Hungerles works based on trust
  • Guest do not have to register, simply enters his/her location and nearest available food options are displayed in Hungerless app
  • Volunteers also help to pick food for the guest or show directions to the nearest available place
  • Guests can also walk in to a restaurant with Hungerles sticker and pick food if available